I've made two new obmm updates, and it now stands at 1.1.7. Scripts now have more freedom with what they can do to data files, and can do tricks like reading a data file from one of the stock BSAs, modifing it and then resaving it as a seperate file. There are no vital bug fixes; you'll only need to update if a mod needs the new scripting features.
I have a few weeks off uni for Christmas, so I'll have a lot of free time for a while. If there's any bugs/feature requests I've forgotten about, now would be a good time to remind me.
The latest version of my thief 2 patch (1.1.1) is up. There's still some issues, (i.e. no fog, sharpened textures, doesn't work with the copy-protected version of thief 2,) but now that I've finished my play through it'll probably be the last one I'll make. Nvidia has been making noises that they might, possibly, if they feel like it, do something about it at some point between now and the end of the universe, but if not the source code is included in my download and I'm sure someone can do something with it.
Old computer games really don't seem to like me. After finishing with diablo, I moved on to thief 2 only to find that it has serious issues with 8800 graphics cards.* It ended up being a little harder to fix than diablo, but it still wasn't as bad as it could have been. My patch is here, and is mostly complete except for some corruption around the edges of textures that I haven't found the cause of yet.
Edit: Updated the patch to fix a problem with textures flickering black.
Edit 2: It seems I managed to break the way thief takes screenshots, so I've added a new way of taking them.
Edit 3: Since it seems some people have trouble with the concept of a hex editor, here's a version of the patch with a simple GUI and installer.
*It doesn't much like multi-core processors either, but at least there's already a known fix for that.
sfall 1.15 is up. It adds a script function to toggle pipboy availability and fixes a bug with global scripts not running if the player started a new game.
I reinstalled diablo yesterday, only to discover that it contains a rather nasty bug that can cause it to crash at the main menu if you're using duel monitors. I didn't feel like turning off my second monitor just to keep diablo happy, so I ended up writing a patch to fix it. It also lets you use the w, e and r keys to adjust game speed and lets you hold the middle mouse button to simulate hammering the left button.
obmm 1.1.5 is up. The new scripting languages are now turned on by default in new installations, although if you're updating from 1.1.2-1.1.4 you'll still have to turn them on by hand. I've included falados's script simulator, which is useful for testing the scripts on large omods without waiting for it to unpack every time.
Some time ago I made standalone versions of some* of obmm's utilities available that would work with .NET 1.1 instead of 2.0. These were all hosted only at tessource, and so are unavailable at the moment. obmm itself now only requires a couple of changes** to work with mono, so I don't support those standalone utilities anyway. Another mod of mine that was hosted only at tessource was the latest version of MGE: That's now available from PES.
sfall is up to 1.14. It can now change player models, movie paths, start date and perks. Perks, movie paths and the player default models can also be changed ingame via scripts.
*The old conflict detector, BSA unpacker and BSA patcher. I never made standalone versions of the new conflict detector, BSA creator or BSA uncorrupter.
**Specifically you need to remove the PipeFileWatcher from MainForm.cs, remove the ironpython references and disable python, vb and C# scripting. Syntax highlighting in the script editor doesn't work due to mono choking on sharpdevelop's xml files.
obmm 1.1.4* is out, and is mainly a security update for the new scripting languages. C# and vb now have reduced security, so that things like the Select dialog and PatchPlugin work correctly and without those annoying unknown zone warnings. Python, which didn't previously have any security, will now complain at blatantly stupid stuff like 'from System.IO import File \ File.Delete("C:\boot.ini")'. It's still disabled by default though, and the slightly draconian 'if you don't read this security warning you'll never be able to use python scripts again' message is still there for now.
sfall has had half a dozen updates, and is currently at 1.12b. It now has a better way of removing the 13 year limit, fixes for some of the bugs in the fallout engine that were unfixable by other means, the ability to run global scripts independently of maps, (including on the world map,) and some useful extra scripting functions like force_encounter. I also started to make a fallout version of my morrowind improved alcohol effects mod. It's not finished yet, but the unfinished version is available from the sfall page and makes a good example of how to use global scripts.
*1.1.3 existed briefly as a beta version for DarN, who apparently is the first person ever to use C# scripts judging from the number of bugs he's been reporting.
obmm and my fallout mod have both been updated. obmm 1.1.2 can cope a little better with the evil monster commonly known as windows vista,* and v1.6 of my fallout mod adds a way to adjust mouse sensitivity through a wider range than the in game options, adds a faster windowed mode, and a few other little things.
*I had to click through 19 bloody UAC security prompts just to create a mock oblivion installation so that I could test obmm on my vista partition. Why the heck does a simple file operation that I could do in 10 seconds on xp or ubuntu require several minutes of clicking yes buttons on vista? Luckily, I never have to use vista for anything other than testing for now, and I can usually keep UAC turned off when I am forced to use it.
My fallout 2 mod can now modify the 13 year time limit. It can also remove it, for a slightly lax definition of 'remove'. The limit is there for a reason,* so the easiest way to remove it was to just reset the date each time you reached the limit. This causes a few odd side effects, but I haven't seen anything game-breaking.
*Some slightly technical details for anyone who cares: fallout 2 stores the number of 'ticks' since the start of the game in a 32 bit variable. There are 0x12CC0300 of these ticks in one game year. This makes 0xF45C2700 ticks in 13 years, and 0x107282A00 in 14. Since the largest number a 32 bit variable can store is 0xFFFFFFFF, somewhere between year 13 and 14** the variable rolls over, crashing fallout.
**8th of March 2255, if you want to be accurate about it...
I've modified my fallout 2 mod to work with fallout 1. At the moment it's a seperate download for each version, but I'll be able to change that later.
Yet another fallout 2 mod update. This one adds the option to make the middle mouse button do something useful, frame skipping in windowed mode and a way to force DirectInput into background mode. For the few people who've asked how it works, source code is here.
obmm 1.1.1 is out. It fixes the regex versions of the DependsOn and ConflictsWith scripting functions, and adds some extra scripting functions for modifying esps before installing them. It also adds an option to export omod conversion data without unpacking the whole omod.
I've made another update to my fallout 2 mod, this time to let you scroll through your inventory with the mouse wheel. It also works for a few other menus, such as the save/load screen.