TESsnip (4.87 KB)
This is a utility for viewing the high level record structure of an esm, esp or ess file, and deleting whole batches of records quickly.
- Requires .NET v2.0
Mover of Mountains (2.47 KB)
This is a utility for shifting the landmass in an esp or esm file upwards or downwards. It doesn't make backups or move statics, door markers or other objects.
- Requires .NET v2.0
TESFaith# v0.1 (50.1 KB)
This is a graphical version of Paul Halliday's useful utility for moving exterior cells around. It will move CELL and LAND records, change interior doors to point to the new cells, and it will even make a spirited attempt to modify scripts for you. This graphical version lets you overlay mods to check for conflicts, and will generate maps of plugins.
- Requires .NET v1.1